November 9th and 10th, 2024,  Ross visits to conduct roller-making workshops at 3 recurring. organised by Ernest there are now # more rubber rollers than previously in the Detroit metro Detroit printmaking community. participants:
October 2024 
3 recurring signs a 2-year lease for Dive Studio to be at 1927 Rosa Park blvd and moves positions for better water accessibility.
Dive Studio is Established with the addition of 5 new artists:
first lithography workshop

official opening June --th
1820 press reconstructed at rosa parks blvd
2nd press and stone were acquired from the estate of Oak Park, IL, based artist Louella Guerzon Dickens by Gibson and S. Barber Kennedy.
first litho press functional
work begins building first portable litho press
work begins building first portable litho press
3 Recurring studios participate in Artclvbs first city wide studio deals event 
first edition pulled 
January 15th 3 Recurring officially moves in
December 2023, 3 Recurring signs lease at 1927 Rosa Parks Blvd 
3 Recurring starts as a LLC
S. Barber Kennedy Relocates to Detroit from NYC
(a shot of his home studio in Michigan)
S. Barber Kennedy Relocates to Detroit from NYC
(a shot of his home studio in Michigan)
Notions of a communal print studio first conceived in New York and later became 3 Recurring Printwerks.
S. Barber Kennedy is gifted a Martech Etching press from Chicago based Illustrator Tom Herzberg.
S.Barber Kennedy acquires first litho stone (A) from Mat Barber Kennedy

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